
Our Modern, Cozy
Dental Office
in Forest Hill, TX!

When you choose our office, you’re in for a treat! Our office was designed with your needs and comfort in mind. You shouldn’t have to settle for a cold, clinical dentist’s office with outdated amenities and technology. As soon as you walk through our doors, you’ll notice right away that we do things differently here. It’s important to us to have a warm, welcoming space where patients can feel right at home and treatment rooms filled with advanced technology for state-of-the-art patient care.

Contact Us


  • Cozy Seating Area
  • blanket icon Soft Pillows & Blankets
  • TVs with Netflix
  • Warm Towels
  • Kids’ Play Area
young woman sitting in a dental chair

Emergency Visits

We understand that dental emergencies can be stressful. At Nova Family Dental, we provide same-day emergency dental care to treat patients with urgent dental needs. We never want you to have to wait in pain or spend precious time trying to find a dentist that can fit you in—we’ve got your back!

Types of Dental Emergencies

If you experience any of the following, we recommend calling our office right away! The sooner you seek treatment, the quicker we can treat the problem and prevent more serious or long-lasting damage.

  • Broken Tooth or Restoration
  • Cracked or Chipped Tooth
  • Inflamed Gums
  • Knocked Out Tooth
  • Lost Filling
  • Toothache
Dental Emergency?
Call Now

Keeping Busy Families in Mind

Fitting multiple dental appointments for your family into an already busy schedule can be a tall feat! We aim to make dental visits as easy and convenient for you by providing block scheduling. With this option, we can actually see your entire family in a single visit to our office. We also send out a text, email, or phone call reminder (depending on your preference) so that it’s one less thing you have to remember—we’ll do it for you! If there’s anything else we can do for you to make your trip to our office smoother, please let us know!

New Patient

We truly appreciate each and every new patient that comes to our office. If you're planning your first visit, please take advantage of our New Patient Special. It's a small way for us to say a big "thanks" for choosing Nova Family Dental!


New Patient Special